Engaging your team

A framework for leading "difficult" people.

What motivates employees? Why do they make the decisions they make? What are their hang-ups, default behaviors, and how can you lead someone effectively when they've got big problems?

Ever work with someone who was impossible to understand? I have. I remember a young woman I supervised in my first senior leadership position. My style of leadership--based on instruments like the Firo-B, reveals that my natural style is to focus on encouraging and inspiring coworkers and employees--creating a collegial and supportive environment. I tend to have a low need--although years of leadership experience and six children have moderated this--to express (or receive) control. This young lady, very simply, seemed threatened by my actions as her supervisor. Attempts to connect with her, get her to engage, and to be honest and proactive met with failure. Not an experience I was used to having. 

Her maladaptive ways of trying to cope with the discomfort of a close team, led her to distance more and more, to avoid team members and ultimately to take another job which hopefully helped her and definitely helped the team. But it was an exercise in frustration and a disappointment.

Drawing from many years of experience as a therapist and business consultant, this eBook utilizes and adapts the schemas of Dr. Jeffrey Young, to help classify and understand different types of employee behavior, enabling you to lead them more effectively.

Young, identified broad maladaptive schemas that can drive behavior. These domains include tendencies toward; connection/belonging, autonomy/performance, boundaries/limits, other directness, and overvigilance/inhibition. Engaging your team describes these in terms of employee behavior and offers suggestions on how to manage each type of behavior.

Dividing your team members into these five different categories, the eBook helps you understand:

• What each type is, and how to identify them in your organization.

• How each type acts under stress, and how to fill their needs

• Tips on how to lead each type of employee effectively.

Understanding your "difficult" employees is key to leading them well. This resource makes that task easier.

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