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HSC not only provides consulting services, it also supports and trains professionals to become, or improve themselves as, consultants. Below is some basic information on consulting.  There are also links to help you find out more about consulting in general or to get trained to become or enhance your consulting practice. 

What consultants do?

Consultants help people.  They utilize their knowledge, skills, and energy to help assist leaders to improve the organization or business.  While other types of consultants (accountants, lawyers, management professionals) are experts in various parts of operations, it is human systems consultants who are experts in dealing with the human component.

What is "consulting?"  

It has been said that consulting is having "influence over, but not control of, a leader, organization, or business."  It's a good description of consulting.  We influence, clarify, plan, communicate . . . use all the tools we have to help the organization or leader.  It is similar in many ways to the work of a private practice professional.

Will organizations or businesses really hire a helping professional?

Yes, if you are prepared and have the tools to help them.  Many in business understand that they are not experts in the field of human systems.

Can HSC help?

Yes.  We have trained many professionals who have gone on to develop consulting contracts and even some who have developed this into their primary business.  If you just need some free resources, a "refresher course" on consulting, some new ideas and techniques or a full training on how to become a consultant we have training materials to help you.

Training Materials:

Check out some free resources.

Get Beyond the Couch.  Our book tells you all that you need to know to develop your first consulting contract.

Want to know more about HSC or our consultants?.

Want to know if you can join HSC?

Check out our training!

Or just contact us and we'll try and help you find what you need.